Process Data Analytics:

For the data analytics, we have a tool description and a guideline document. The guideline document is attached in the mail. 

- For the tool description I would suggest to write the following: “In the current developments towards a smart industry (4.0), more and more data is collected concerning your operation processes. Insights in the data could contribute to improving these processes. After getting the data from your systems, and validating it with help of the Data Validation tool, the Process Data Analytics tools provides insights consisting of reports, visualizations and other analysis methods that describe the state of your processes and/or machinery. The process analytics tool consists of several data analytics modules that describe and analyse the underlying process data. In this tool, we strive to perform data science techniques such as classification, clustering and pattern mining accompanied by visualizations. Within the tool, we focus on the analyzing Time Series data.”

- The files for the tool can be downloaded at: